Artists Take the Big Muddy: An En Plein Air Event

Plein air painting is a french methodology of capturing the outdoors, acting in contrast to academic studio painting.

about The process

Brisk winds disrupted weather in the upper 70s, and golden trees filled a crystal blue sky last Thursday afternoon, as six artists boarded a boat charted by the Missouri River Relief with canvases, paints, easels, lawn chairs, snacks, and water in tow.

Captain Steve Schnarr swept these artists up stream to banks unreachable by foot, dropping pairs off on varying topographies and angles.

Once at their chosen location, which included a sandy beach, a rocky shore, and a mud bank, the artists scouted out compositions and set to work capturing the surrounding landscape. Some chose views facing the ever moving sun, others looked towards autumn stricken trees, and still others faced down snaking undulations of water.

Over the course of the next three hours, each artist rendered the Missouri River and its surrounding land masses with a unique hand, as no two paintings were accomplished in remote similarity.

As 5 o’clock rolled around, the participants were retrieved by the Missouri River Relief crew and called it a day on their paintings. Riding back to Cooper’s Landing the artists posed for pictures, chatted about their Plein air experiences, and reveled in the beauty of the Big Muddy.

About the show

We believe that artists play a key role with the broader public in inspiring appreciation and connection to our region’s abundant natural resources and unique geography.

This event advances Missouri River Relief’s mission to connect people to the Missouri River through hands-on river clean-ups, education, and stewardship activities.

You can view these En Plein Air style works of the Big Muddy by visiting the South Gallery of CAL throughout the month of November, Tuesday-Saturday, 12-4 PM. A silent auction will be held November 9th-14th for the paintings as well.