Conversation in Color by Kate Gray is currently on view in the Betty & Art Robbins Gallery of CAL Tuesday-Saturday, 12-4 PM.
CAL aims to help artists succeed, whether that's offering skill building classes, the opportunity to exhibit work in our gallery, or sell work in our Gift Gallery. Our Artist on Display series invites you to get to know our artists a little bit better!
About the Artist
KG: “My name is Kate Gray. I am an artist and a designer. Or more simply - a “creative” who loves a good problem to explore and solve. I create because I have no other choice. It is who I am.”
KG: “With out sharing my age… I have been creating since as long as I can remember. I have always been an artist.”
KG: “It did take me awhile to become comfortable in my "art skin.” That evolution happened after I went back to school and received my MFA in Graphic Design in 2015.”
Multimedia Transformation
KG: “Before grad school, I was a watercolor purest! That was the only medium I used. Grad school gave me the fabulous gift and opportunity to explore all media.”
KG: “Now, I use any and everything I want to create. Today, it is fun and freeing to play in a limitless creative world.”
KG: “For my piece in The Figure, I wanted to see if I could paint on canvas with acrylic like I did (in my earlier art years) using watercolor on paper. This painting was a blast to create. Since I am a fan of portraits, I used an abstract face as the focal point of the piece.”
Inspirations & Themes
KG: “I like the challenge of translating 3-D art forms, like Tai Chi, into a 2-D form, like a painting. Writing is another important part of my process and, in some cases, I will pair poetry with the final paintings.”
KG: “Overall, the theme of my work is personal growth and evolution.”
KG: “For example, my solo show at the Art League in December is titled: Intersection: the process of finding and re-finding one’s Center. In this show, I created Chinese calligraphy symbols that mean; the way, the path and in the Center. I used one of these symbols in each painting as a starting place for the work. All of the pieces in this show will also have poetry displayed with them.”
Life & CAL
KG: “My past occupations include: college professor, gallery director, art and creative director, stylist and graphic designer. Currently, I am a graphic designer at Independent Stave Company.”
KG: “CAL is my art home and family.”
KG: “The first two people I met when I moved to town 20 years ago, I met at the League. Those individuals and the organization changed my life. I would not be the “creative” I am today without them.”
To purchase Conversation in Color by Gray click here—The Figure