Give the Gift of Art: Winter Members’ Show

November 10th-January 5th

This un-themed, Members’-only show is always a holiday delight! We invite our artists to showcase the work that they are most proud of, giving you the opportunity to snatch it up as a holiday gift!

As 2020 comes to a close, we cannot forget the many challenges it has brought, but as this exhibit surely attests, art endures. The creative spirit of our wonderful community here at CAL is anything but deterred or discouraged. These artists remind us that the world around us brims with possibility, meaning, beauty, wonder, humor, and more! At the end of a year such as this, what better gift is there to give?

Our juror, Lee Ann Garrison notes, "walking into one of the Columbia Art League’s Member Exhibitions is always a treat because we never know who has entered and what artworks we will see. Columbia is a community passionate about the arts, about seeing art and making art. And, as always, jurying such an eclectic and varied group of artworks is always challenging... As a juror, I bring my own history of art making and of thinking and teaching about art and design...Members exhibitions and ever-changing jurors make for an engaging conversation about art. We dwell in an art community and learn from these conversations with each other over time."

1st Place:  Deb Roberts, Quilt Study

This tiny gouache painting struck me as little gem of geometry with an extraordinary sense of color.

2nd Place:  Donovan Blake, Shimmering Lake Tahoe

The close-up photograph of water’s surface creates an image that perfectly balances abstraction and realism.

3rd Place:  Tom Stauder, Canarywood Vessel with Threaded Ebony Lid

This small symmetrical vessel is a classic definition of simplicity and elegance with craftmanship so perfect it disappeared.

 Honorable Mention:

·      Ramsey Wise, #4

·      Cynthia Richards, Blue at the Top of the Stairs

·      Jennifer Wiggs, Nothing Begins or Ends

·      Chad La Fever, Invertebrate