Artist on Display: Shayna Buckridge

CAL aims to help artists succeed, whether that's offering skill building classes, the opportunity to exhibit work in our gallery, or sell work in our Gift Gallery. Our Artist on Display series invites you to get to know our artists a little bit better! 

About the Artist

SB: I choose to create because it’s the best form of therapy. I choose to create because there don’t seem to be enough words in the world to explain the things I hold most dear.

SB: I’ve been creating since I was about 13. Once I discovered I had a natural ability, my focus turned toward art almost exclusively.

SB: I definitely have a hard time focusing on one medium, part of the fun of art for me is exploring and learning new crafts but charcoal is certainly my favorite.

SB: While I may be dabbling in a lot of different kinds of work, I’m almost always working on a charcoal piece. I love the versatility of charcoal and challenging myself to take a medium that is so loose and messy and really refine it, getting as many details into a drawing as possible. 

Inspirations & Execution

SB: Both of my pieces in The Figure focus on the duality of human emotion and how humans often feel many different things at once.

SB: I’m interested in how we experience conflicting emotions simultaneously and how those emotions show themselves in small ways on our bodies. There tends to be an emotion on the surface that I think the subject is choosing to show to the outside world but if you look closer you may notice the way they are holding their hands or tension in their neck and it hints at something more. 

SB: The main theme I’m focused on right now is human emotions. My aim is to capture the complexity of emotions. I am very detail oriented and texture plays a big role in most of my work. For me, creating tedious texture becomes a sort of meditation. 


Growing up in Columbia, it’s easy to feel the effects CAL has on our community and it’s an honor to be a part of that. I have been hesitant to show my art but when I challenged myself to make it happen I knew I wanted to stay close to home and CAL would be a great place to start.

To purchase a piece by Buckridge click here—The Figure