Dennis Carbocci
Art and music have always been a big part of my life. I was the kid at school who got to draw murals on a section of the chalkboard before class started. Those drawings often remained on the chalkboard for an entire week. My doodles were always a big deal to my friends and teachers, and the attention I received fueled my effort to create art. If I was having trouble academically, I would draw a portrait of the teacher in the class in question, and often received “ extra credit” to improve my grade.
In 1977 I graduated Commack High School South on LI NY and was voted “most artistic”. I turned down a scholarship to study music at Dowling College in LI NY. Instead, I chose to study art at Pratt Institute School of Design in Brooklyn, NY and majored in Illustration.
I excelled in drawing and design and lived off campus in Bedford Stuyvesant, which accelerated my life experience. I worked at the Venice Restaurant on Myrtle Ave. to pay for rent, materials and tuition. The close proximity to NYC museums and galleries was a fantastic benefit, but the expense of school and materials proved too costly, and I did not finish my education. The life experience was well worth my three year’s effort, and I do not regret any of it.
I retired from a major home improvement material retailer in upper management after 31 years.
I never lost my love for, or the need to create artwork and play music, so I kept my brushes wet and my Cello in tune. Now I have the time and money to pursue my craft, and I am painting regularly. and playing Cello in the Kirksville Community Orchestra.