Snack Show

Juror’s Statement:

It was a pleasure to jury the snack show! Fortunately, artists provided me with a broad range of media and subject matter. From felting to banjos and handmade paper with blueberries, the artists in the Snack Show create a visual experience for us that ranges from quirky to gorgeous and well crafted. While some artists focused on the sumptuousness of the snack experience, others explored the more conceptual idea about what a snack can be. 

I found the variety of interpretation by each artist to be a strength in this group of works. There’s plenty of visual snacks in the show for viewers. Tastes, texture, color, tools associated with serving snacks, and even the act of consuming snacks: all aspects of snackdom are represented! 

—Patti Shanks

Award WInners:

1st Place—Willa Campbell, Mignonette

2nd Place—Sarah Mosteller, Blackberry Cupcake

3rd Place—Brandy Tieman, Finger Food

Honorable Mentions:

Tootie Burns, Jiff

Marc Chauvin, Salad (Hidden Condiments)

Deb Roberts, Two Sqaush

Theresa St. Vrain, Croissant

Tom Stauder, Charcuterie Board