Deni Cary Phillips

Beyond Borders: The Essence of Place

Artist Statement:

This exhibit is a curated collection of photos taken in America and Europe. Each one’s intention is to draw the viewer into the essence of the place, it’s heart, to tell a story of creation, whether natural or made by human hands.

I’ve engaged in many creative hobbies in my life, and that is how photography began for me, shooting my mom’s sacred Brownie box camera, then getting a Polaroid that spit bad prints out in seconds. Nothing like a little bit of instant gratification! Then the day came that I was heading out on a bird-watching expedition. I borrowed a friend’s 35mm--and that was it. I was hooked. The photos were amazing. The flocks of geese I photographed laying flat on my back or belly-crawling on damp ground convinced me that there was more to photography than family holidays and vacations. A year later I held my very own 35mm camera.