Patrick Owen: Let's Get it! Let's Go!

Artist Statement:

These paintings aim to get you to seek and experiences purposeful recreation. Its that simple; go and do something fun!

A reflection and meditation on personal experiences with youth sports and recreation; the work injects small moments of my friendlier, youthful, and playful of experiences of a former self. They work, in part, as an effort to reconcile and strengthen the bridge connecting my youthful and mature responsibilities.

Let's get it! Let's Go!

Artist Bio:

Pat Owen is an artist from Columbia, MO, and received his BFA in Drawing and Painting from Columbia College in 2015. Since graduating, Pat has completed three artist residencies: The Emerging Artists Residency at Resident Arts in 2017, The Artist in Residence Program at Access Arts from 2018 through 2019, and will finish the Artist in Residence program with the Sager Braudis Gallery at the end of February 2021. Using house paint, hardware materials, to create color, texture, in sports imagery, Pat's most recent work is a response to the over consumption of and addiction to sports culture.