Tiny Things Show

What is it about tiny things? They make us cock our head to the side, bring up our shoulders in a slight hunch and say… awww. Although small, the impact can be quite big when it comes to our feeling, understanding, and positioning in the world. We can understand tiny things in their entirety - we know immediately what we’re faced with, removing any possibility of fear we might have while roaming our life sized world. There can also be power in limited space, as artists and viewers alike realize limitations of scope, communicating only the bare necessities of understanding.


1st Place: Tony Irons, Post It

2nd Place: Matt Ballou, Curved Pleat

3rd Place: Shannon Soldner, The Ferryman’s Wages I

Honorable Mentions

Lindsey Lennon Pict, Donavon Blake, Lisa Varley, Richard Hoeppner, Leigh Roberts, Derek Fox, Jamie Scheppers, and Karalee Tearney.

Juror Statement: By Don Luper

Congratulations to all the artist for putting together a fine body of work that represented the small. If you know anything about me, which most of you don’t, I couldn’t be anymore opposite of tiny. Before pursuing an art career my job was that of a bridge welder. Once you build a few bridges the idea of going small is no longer part of your DNA. So the idea of looking at tiny little art pieces intrigued me and honestly, ended up being one of my favorite shows I have ever juried.

What is it that I look for in a work of art, regardless of scale? Does it capture my eye, if it doesn’t draw me in then how do I notice it. Once it has my attention does it intrigue me, does it hold me there? The final element that solidifies my appreciation for a piece of art above others is craftsmanship. Never throw the cart before the horse, an artist must have command of their material and process.

Tony Irons, Matt Ballou and Shannon Soldner all best represented what I look for in art and at the same time managed to put it into a very small format. Tony’s piece was selected because I found myself making several trips back to look at it. At first I couldn’t figure out if I was looking at a photo, drawing or a painting. Also, they connected with my minimalist aesthetic and I thought the use of color was fantastic. To all the honorable mention folks, well done. I thought these all represented what I look for and thought recognition was deserved.

Again, thank you for the opportunity and I wish everyone a happy and “normal” year.


There are about 150 artworks in the Tiny Things show and everything is priced below $300. View the entire show by clicking the button above. The slideshow below has a select few of the works on display in the Betty & Art Robins Gallery at the Columbia Art League. Visit the show in person Tuesday-Saturday 12-4PM.