Three barns, prior framing, for the series: Rural Reflections. These works alongside additional barns and landscapes are currently exhibiting at Central Bank off 8th & Broadway.
Rural reflections
This collection of reflections on the landscapes, barns and images of Missouri and beyond contains several new paintings that mark my return to my creating art after a pause that was much longer than I had intended. It’s good to be back. My latest works are a series of barn portraits, based on photos I shoot on any and every road trip as I hunt barns along the way. Converting them to the pen & ink and watercolor paintings here has been cathartic in the time of COVID-19 self-quarantine, which included moving back to my home studio from more than a decade at Orr Street Studios. Paintings based on friends’ photos as reference, with permission, are noted as such in the titles.
I feel a deep connection to land and sky, tree lines and rural structures. Growing up on a farm on what was once unending prairie in Northwest Missouri, my memories are of sitting in a feed bunk after chores and watching the sun set behind a windbreak of trees; riding my horse or walking along dirt and gravel roads lined by hedge trees, pastures and grain fields; flying over the land with my dad in his small plane and seeing our farm and fields from a whole new perspective. Both he and the farm are gone; more barns disappear with storms and the passage of time; fields become developments. I hope my reflections bring a flicker of memory, spark a desire to preserve both nature and our rural heritage, or bring a bit of solace and peace in dark times.