Terry Sutton
I am the youngest of twelve children and as it often is with large families things get recycled. My toys and some of my clothes were well broken in by the time I came along. My mother said this made them extra special because of all the stories they could tell me if I knew how to listen to what they were saying. My imagination would take over as I thought about what she said about things being extra special. I would find a pen or a pencil and draw small winding treasure maps that would eventually lead to what I considered a personal treasure; an old hot wheels car, or some nuts, bolts and washers from one of the Junk drawers.
I mention these things to try to explain the thought process behind what I draw. It is a collection of things I treasure. I experiment with different media. Water colors, pencil, pen and ink are my favorites.
When I draw, I have no clue what the finished product might evolve into. I begin by mapping out the underlying design and then fill it in with detailed individual scenes that, when combined, form the finished piece. This approach allows me the freedom to be creative and not limited to one overall concept. I try to make each of the smaller scenes as detailed as possible with the intent that each section makes a statement as a stand-alone piece. I have the pleasure of just drawing what I feel at the time.
I am married with a two-and-a-half-year-old son and work a full-time job, so time is scarce for drawing. Drawing the smaller interior scenes allows me to finish one section at a time and still be able to break free to enjoy time with my family.
I tend to lean towards outdoor or nature themes. Often it’s as if I am going fishing and recording my journey to the pond. I might see a bird sitting in a tree or on an old stomp. I might notice a fern peaking from behind a tree or ants overwhelming a dead log foraging for food. Life is abundant in the woods even with all of death and decay scattered around. I try to capture the feeling of life’s everlasting circle, a sense of something greater, keeping in perspective how small we are in the scheme of things and how collectively our individual contributions help define the underlying design.
T: 573-489-3113