Gloria Gaus

Painting Hither, Thither, and Yon

On display in the South Gallery at the Columbia Art League

May 7 - June 8, 2024

Artist Statement

I feel blessed to have been born to create. My passion is color, line, pattern, and contrast. My medium of choice is oil paint at this time but I also enjoy the line of graphite and charcoal. I reside in the Midwest but love to paint nearly anywhere during any season. I primarily choose the landscape as my subject since nothing compares to the freedom and intimacy of painting outdoors, on location. The moment captures all of my attention and senses. It can only be truly savored when I allow all distractions to fall away and I become enmeshed in the present moment with my subject before me. It's during these moments painting is pure joy.  

Artist Bio

Home base for Midwestern artist, Gloria Gaus, is in Central Missouri. Her river-view studio offers contemplative solitude between art travel adventures. She is comfortable painting and drawing in the comfort of her studio or outdoors on location. Always striving to be a better artist she is currently participating in several online mentoring and educational programs. Traveling across the United States over the past 2 decades Gaus has studied under such accomplished artists as Billyo O’Donnell, Rick Howell, Phil Starke, Laura Robb, G. Russell Case, Ray Roberts, Dan Young, Graydon Parrish, Shawn Cornell, and Joshua Been. Several of her pieces have won awards in regional shows with 2 paintings chosen for the Les Bourgeois “Collector’s Series Wine” labels; 2001 and 2009.  Her paintings can be found internationally, in private and corporate collections.