“The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance.” – Aristotle
*** Accept Artwork February 20 (11:30-7) and 21 (11:30-7)
Opening Reception: March 8 (6-8)
*** Please note that the drop off dates have changed! Drop off will be on Wednesday and Thursday (with extended hours).
It has been suggested by some philosophers that the ultimate purpose of art is the acquisition of truth – a transcendent notion, to be sure – but the well-crafted image or story can also obscure, confuse, and mislead. We entreat artists to probe their experience in a world some have described as post-truth, a world of fake news, manipulation machines, and digital avatars. In such a climate, perhaps truth can be found in the ecstatic experience of a sunset, or the simple softness of a flower petal, the bliss of love, the pangs of loss, or the universality of inevitable human suffering. Perhaps truth has many faces, many disguises, and many veils. What is your truth?
The ancient philosopher, Plato, believed that the artist was, at best, an insufficient imitator of truth, at worst, a reckless charlatan and a liar. We wonder, can the mere mortal artist ever reveal the Platonic notion of true Form? Can any given apple ever attain the eternal and everlasting notion of “appleness” which endures in our minds, even as the real thing rots away? Does truth exist only beyond the veil of eternity or is it to be found in the solid facts of the material world? Perhaps, as Descartes suggests, only our consciousness is a fact. “I think, therefore, I am.” Only the existence of our own experience is undeniable. Can truth come from within, or should even our senses and most basic assumptions not be trusted?
Things to remember:
-Artists may submit up to two pieces of work for this show.
-ALL WORK must be wired and legibly signed on the back prior to drop off at CAL. 3D work must be clearly labeled and prepared for presentation.
- Everyone must pay an entry fee. Entry fees help cover costs of the Opening Reception and hiring a juror. Artists pay one entry fee regardless of how many pieces they submit (Members- $15, Non-members- $25, Student Members- $10, Student non-members- $15)