Opening Reception: Friday, 25th August, 6-8pm
Art Work Submission Dates: Tuesday 22nd & Wednesday 23rd August
“There are no facts, only interpretations.”
Interpretations: A marriage of 40 visual artists and 40 literary artists, each submitting one work of his/her own choice with any theme. Then, an art swap: Each visual artist receives a work from one of the writers; each literary artist receives an artwork. The task for each artist and writer: to create a second work of art or piece of writing, which is his or her interpretation of the other artist’s work. The result: A show of 80 artworks and 80 pieces of writing. The aim of the show: A reminder that we all see the world differently; our interpretations of the world around us are uniquely ours. How will each artist interpret the other artist’s work? How will the viewer interpret the written words and artworks in the show? This will be the fifth year of this extraordinary show. You can see all of the previous years’ entries in the Interpretations, Interpretations II, III and IV books, available to view or purchase at the Columbia Art League.
Information for submitting writers: Writing may be fiction, non-fiction or poetry of no more than 100 words. The 100-word written piece should have a title of 15 words or fewer. Work should be submitted by email to the Columbia Art League no later than 5pm on Friday March 31st, 2017. A literary jury will review all the submissions and choose 40 works of writing for the show. You will be notified of the jury’s decision by April 30th. Those authors who are selected will be sent a digital image of an artwork. You will then create a second written work based on the visual artwork. This piece of writing must be emailed to the Columbia Art League by 5pm on August 18th, 2017. The non-refundable jury fee is $15. Writers may enter one work.
Information for submitting visual artists: Your artwork may be in any medium but should not contain any written words other than background incidental words. The artwork may be titled, but the title will not be shared with the writer. A digital photograph of your artwork should be emailed to the Columbia Art League, no later than 5pm on Friday, March 31st, 2017. As your work will be selected from the digital image, please make sure that you submit a high-quality jpg of your artwork. Jpg files should be no larger than 1MB. A visual arts jury will review all the submissions and choose 40 artworks for the show. You will be notified of the jury’s decision by April 30th. Those artists who are selected will be sent a written work. You will then create a second artwork based on the written work. Both your artworks must be physically submitted to the Columbia Art League on Tuesday 22nd or Wednesday 23rd August – so please ensure that your original submission is not sold before the show opens. The non-refundable jury fee is $15. Artists may enter one work.
Pricing: 15% will be added to the price of each submitted artwork as compensation for the partner writer. If an artwork sells, the artist will take 65% of the original price with the usual 35% commission paid to CAL, and the additional 15% will go to the author.
Submissions: Please email your written or visual work to Diana and include your telephone number and postal address. Writers should also include the year the work was written and if it has been previously published. The $15 jury fee may be dropped off or mailed to Columbia Art League, 207 South 9th Street, Columbia 65201, or you may pay below.
Download the poster (pdf).