Monthly Art Club- Select Mondays, 6-7:30pm


Monthly Art Club- Select Mondays, 6-7:30pm

from $0.00

2nd Monday of the Month*, 6:00pm-7:30pm (dates lists below*)

Artists ages 16+ working in all mediums are welcome to come along.

Adult Art Club is monthly critique group for local Columbia artists. During meetings, we have mini demos, material tutorials and the occasional artist talk to explore art media & develop professional art practices.

Bring in an artwork to “show and tell” and get feedback from the group. Don’t worry though, this isn’t like graduate school critiques!

Free to members & donation based for non-members (~$10 oer session)

Non-members may also pay in person.

February 10

March 10

April 14

May 12

CAL's Monthly Adult Art Club is lead by Mary Sandbothe & held at CAL.

Please email for any questions or club meeting ideas!

CAL Member?:
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