Members’ Show Summer 2019
Two town hall meetings took place at CAL on Tuesday, August 20th and Saturday, August 22nd.
Each session had about 10-12 people.
The main topic was: How can CAL improve?
*Means we’ve already started addressing these areas
Key Areas:
*Juror’s process/guidelines/public statement to read
Critique sheets from the juror for all works
Allow artists to make work NFS
*More friendly faces
*Give kind feedback
*More shows
Member Benefits
Business & marketing plans for artists
Professional development
**Social Media how to & also use in promotion of our artists
Artist members supporting new artists
Rejection workshop
Fun things like trips to other galleries/museums
Group critique
Increase artist interaction: potlucks, art club, open studio
Non Artist Member Benefits
Why should non-artists become members?
What events / benefits do non artists have at CAL
Do you have to be a member to participate in things at CAL? (No!)
*MORE - just do more
Bring back postcards
Stick to newsletters & social media
Talk to us MORE
Talk about sponsorship more
Table tents in restaurants
Ads in other arts organizations publications
How to classes for artists: framing, matting,
Teach the teachers how to teach
Increase outreach for Scholarships to Youth Classes
Sponsorship for youth classes
Expand classroom, have more classes
Utilize the family friendly events in town: Sunday farmer’s market, Saturday famer’s market (the Pavillion).
Showcase the artwork made by the students in their classes at CAL
Increase Community Exhibition reach to include lower income locations
More free or sponsored activities to lower income community members
Increase awareness about CAL outside of CoMo
Collaborate with the District
*Make connections with Colleges & University - get more students in our space
*Make connections with sporting events/attendees
Community Exhibition Program
Increase number of locations
Find more places to showcase 3D artworks
Put plaques in all the places we have a CEP relationship
Increase awareness by promoting that we have a CE program and also showcase the artists on social media
Increase CEP reach to include lower income locations: housing authority, Armory building, ARC, etc.
Have a standard of presentation that is followed through with or okayed by CAL staff
Gift Shop
Update policies
Have a system to keep product fresh
Standards on how things are displayed & with information about the artists
Work with people on pricing, packaging, display etc.
Signage (like on the front of the windows)
Market the fact that we have a gift shop
How do we get more
How to treat & train them
Collect testimonials
Appeal to a younger audience
The Columbia Art League is celebrating 60 years this year, and while it’s a wonderful institution in the community, CAL needs to be able to learn and grow with the community it serves. So we thank each of you who has reached out to us and let us know what you think we can do to improve. Here’s to 60 more years of providing arts to the Columbia community!
If you’d like to give feedback to us about CAL, click the button below or come by the gallery and ask to speak with Kelsey. Thank you!