Deni Cary Phillips
Deni Cary Phillips
Deni Cary Phillips
Infinity Photographs
Intimate Landscapes
Deni Cary Phillips has had a camera in her hands since childhood. Unable to develop prints in the darkroom, she was thrilled when digital photography gave her creative control of processing. Deni shoots outdoors and the natural environment almost exclusively. Travel photography, landscapes and ancient architecture, and intimate landscapes are her favorite subjects. Self-taught for many years, she is also a graduate of The Arcanum, a now-defunct online school where she studied under a number of well-known photographers, as well as a student of Don Giannatti's commercial photography classes. Her work is on permanent display in a number of local residences and commercial buildings in Columbia Missouri. She is happy to work with clients to create right-sized photographs from her collection. Contact Deni through Columbia Art League for more engagement with the "Visions of Eagle Bluffs" collection, or to see more of her work.
You can often see her work in various locations around her home town, Columbia, Missouri, as well as online: Facebook, Instagram at InfinityPhotoDeni, and on her website,
"Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving."
Ansel Adams