Lisa Bartlett

Lisa Bartlett


Artlandish Gallery

1019 E Walnut Street

Columbia, MO 65201


Portrait credit: Jane Mudd

Being of a restless, creative nature, I generally have multiple projects going at once. I bounce between media, and I love to experiment.

Sometimes I like to paint on very large canvases and include collage and gold leaf in the composition. I also enjoy working in three dimensions, using such found objects as old clock cases, broken ceramics, and Victorian hardware.

My work often tells a story, since I'm fascinated by human nature and by what history has to teach us. Old photographs, old letters, and other memorabilia are major sources of inspiration. Finding the beauty in brokenness is  the goal.

I'm always looking for new ideas, new construction techniques, and new projects to get excited about. Anything that involves experimentation, anything complicated, and finally just the act of creation itself--that's what I love.

 Artistic History

I received a Bachelor's of Fine Arts degree from Columbia College, Columbia Missouri in 1988

For ten years I was the graphic designer for KOMU-TV an NBC affiliate television station.

In 2001 I opened an antique store called The Vintage Shop in downtown Columbia.

In 2007 I was part owner of Spare Parts Gallery.

Since 2009- I Own and Operate Artlandish Gallery, Manage the North Village Art Studios and am on the board for the North Village Arts District in Columbia Missouri.  

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