Sara Fletcher

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Sara Fletcher is a figurative painter based in Boonville, Missouri, originally from western New York. Fletcher’s solo show, "Preparations", was at Prince Street Gallery in October 2019 and she has also exhibited in group shows at Prince Street Gallery. She will exhibit in a 2 person faculty show at Missouri Valley College February 18 - March 18 this year. Fletcher's painting was awarded honorable mention by Hrag Vartanian, editor-in-chief of Hyperallergic, at the 58th Chautauqua Annual Exhibition of Contemporary Art, Strohl Art Center, Chautauqua, NY. She has recently shown at Small Works Invitational at Blue Mountain Gallery, New York, NY, in a two-person show at Ashby-Hodge Gallery of American Art, Central Methodist University, Fayette, MO, and at group exhibits in New York, Virginia, Missouri, and Kentucky. Fletcher earned her MFA in Painting from the University of Iowa, and a post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Painting from Brandeis University. Fletcher is Assistant Professor of Studio Art at Missouri Valley College. Fletcher's website is