Pet Portraits in Soft Pastels w/ Hope Martin (6 WEEK)- Wednesdays 6-8pm from April 2-May 7


Pet Portraits in Soft Pastels w/ Hope Martin (6 WEEK)- Wednesdays 6-8pm from April 2-May 7

from $150.00

Wednesdays, 6:00-8:00pm from April 2nd-May 7th

This intermediate course guides students in creating lifelike pet portraits with soft pastels. Through six sessions, we will learn techniques specifically for rendering fur textures, expressive eyes, and unique pet characteristics. By the end, students will have completed a portrait of a pet of their choice, showcasing depth, color, and personality.

Class 1: Choosing a Strong Reference Photo & Supplies Needed
Class 2: Techniques for Pet Portraits
Class 3: Color Studies save time
Class 4: Start your Pet Portrait
Class 5: Pet Portrait work continues
Class 6: Final Touches and Presentation

Taught by Hope Martin

For more about Hope visit:

See below for a complete Materials List

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Soft Pastels (expanded range for fur tones: browns, blacks, whites, creams, and grays)

Vine Charcoal & hard charcoal sticks (various hardnesses)

Pastel Pencils (for fine details, especially for eyes and fur lines)

Paper: 9 x 12 UART pastel paper pad in beige; 400 or 600 grit

Foam or blending tools (optional: small sponges for controlled blending)

Brush and Rubbing Alcohol in small spray bottle (for underpainting washes)

Additional Supplies:

Erasers, blade for sharpening, and palette for holding sticks in use

Smartphone (for reference and value checks)

11 x 14 mat with an 8 x 10 opening & backing board

CAL has on hand for communal use

some pastels & pastel pencils


tape, boards & easels

sketch paper