Bond Life Sciences Art Competition

Visions of Discovery: The Art of Research


This juried event is inspired by the groundbreaking discoveries and innovative studies emerging from the labs of the Bond Life Sciences Center. This competition challenges artists to translate complex scientific concepts into captivating works of art.

From paintings and sculptures to digital art and mixed media creations, artists have the freedom to express their interpretations of scientific phenomena in imaginative and thought-provoking ways. Each artwork has the power to illuminate the intersections between art and science, fostering a deeper appreciation for the wonders of the natural world and the pursuit of knowledge.

Judged by a panel of esteemed scientists, artists, and educators, submissions will be evaluated based on their creativity, originality, technical skill, and ability to communicate scientific concepts in a visually compelling manner.

All accepted submissions will be exhibited at the Bond Life Sciences Center fostering dialogue and engagement between the scientific and artistic communities.

Join us in celebrating the symbiotic relationship between art and science at the Visions of Discovery: The Art of Research competition, where imagination knows no bounds and discovery knows no limits!

REgister to learn More!

Registered artists will be provided a packet of information which will include details about the competition and the process of learning more about the research conducted in the Bond Life Sciences Center.

We encourage you to attend the Information Mixer on July 10th from 5-7PM at the Bond Life Sciences Center at the University of Missouri


July 10th 5-7pm – Informational Mixer at Bond Life Sciences Center

September 14th – Submission forms due (artist)

September 16 – 18 – artwork dropped off in-person to Bond LSC

September 19th (Thursday) – Artwork juried and hung

September 23rd – Judges select award winners

Sept 23 – 26 – People’s Choice voting happens

Sept 26th – Evening reception for Bond 20 th AnniversaryGeneral info about the project

Nov 4th - Artworks picked up


1st place: $500

2nd place: $300

3rd place: $200

Honorable mention(s): no cash, but all the bragging rights!

People’s Choice Award: $100

Purchase prize with permanent exhibition in the Bond Life Sciences Center


Sponsored by the Bond Life Sciences Center and the Columbia Art League