Update from Us to You

Our gallery is currently closed during the county wide shelter-at-home order.

These City Garden School kiddos were heavily influenced by the work in our Taste group gallery exhibit and artist, Wayne Thiebaud. They are legit, professional artists.

These City Garden School kiddos were heavily influenced by the work in our Taste group gallery exhibit and artist, Wayne Thiebaud. They are legit, professional artists.

Early April Update from CAL

Hi all,

It's safe to say that we miss you all very much!

While CAL is temporarily closed, our intrepid staff are still working behind the scenes to bring CAL to you! We are working on several ways to keep up our creative community spirit high fiving each other from a far (with washed hands, of course).

Karen has been working with instructors to convert their classes to an online teaching format, and our homeschool & middle school classes are still meeting and working on projects including Mad Lib illustrations and other fun stuff. Look for more announcements about classes, tutorials, and more coming from our Education program soon!

For our artists, we will host gallery shows virtually until we can all be back in the physical gallery again. We want to make sure we can feature your work and also be a resource for you while you're (hopefully) getting more time to make artwork. What about a weekly Zoom meeting for artists to show each other what they're working on? And/or a critique group to meet up every month? We'd love to hear what else you'd like from us to support you at this time.

For our appreciators, we want to keep your eyes filled with artwork and make connections between you and our artists. We are working on putting our Members' Gift Gallery artworks online to purchase. The virtual gallery space will be a great way to see what our local artists are working on. What else would you like to see from us? In depth Q&A's with our artists? More social media posts with funny things to do while you're stuck at home? Let us know!

I have to say this has been a hard time but also a springboard for creative thought and problem solving... which is an artist's bread and butter, after all. I hope that you will continue to support the Columbia Art League in our efforts to keep CAL in CoMo.

With warm wishes and washed hands,

Kelsey and the whole CAL team

Artist, Ernest Hilderbrand

Artist, Ernest Hilderbrand

We can’t wait to see you all in person soon!