Linda Hays: Unsung Phenomena

What are ‘Unsung Phenomena’ ?

Things, occurrences or proceedings which are uncelebrated, unknown or unrecognized.

They may be profoundly true (to me), of mild interest (to you); sometimes metaphorical, beautiful or humorous. You decide.

Artist Statement:

I work from life – from both direct observation and experiences. My life has been a rich tapestry of places, people and things, many parts of which remain around me. I draw from this milieu of ‘stuff’ in my recent body of work, presented as images of still life and landscape.

I usually present my subjects realistically, but with abstract underpinnings. I delight in the particulars of shape, color, light and space as well as in defining a journey for the eye. The objects I paint are either inherited (from the group of women who raised or mentored me) or part of my own collection of 20 th century funk and function. The landscape images are views out my windows or other spaces I feel a connection to. This show is dedicated to Lelia Hall, my Boone County grandmother, who valued education and imagination.

You can find more work by Hays at