Intersection by Kate Gray

A South Gallery Exhibition on view through December 30th

Intersection: finding and re-finding one’s Center

Artist statement:

The Intersection body of work explores the process of finding and re-finding one’s Center in an effort to visually capture something words can’t describe - what it feels like to be centered in the chaotic journey of life.

The imagery in the paintings was inspired by a growing love of Tai Chi and Chinese calligraphy (thanks to Lilian Sung’s class at the Columbia Art League). I have always been drawn to the art form of Chinese calligraphy, specifically how it combines the visual arts with an interpretation of a literal meaning. Based on that concept, I created a series of Chinese-like characters that symbolize one’s path, way and living in the Center. In each painting, I incorporated one of the characters and intersected it with the chaos and frenetic nature of the world that surrounds us. By intersecting the essence of daily life with a quest for balance, the final painting represents an evolving path towards finding an re-finding Center.

Gallery hours: 12-4PM Tuesday-Saturday - you can stop by anytime during our open hours to view the show.

Saturday, December 12th 1-3PM: Intersection Artist Chat with Kate Gray - stop by to chat with Kate about her show. Masks required.

For a private viewing of the show, contact Kelsey to set something up.

To view the show online and shop online click the button below.