Hindsight is 2020

Juror’s Statement:

It has been a long year being closed-off in many ways, but creative work knows no boundaries. This is evident from the artworks currently on view at “Hindsight is 2020” at the Columbia Art League. As usual there were many excellent entries by talented artists from our area— so many styles and visions of the past year. It was very difficult to select winners. I looked at not only the quality of the artwork, but also at the relationship of the concept to the theme of the show. I regret that some works are not included due to the large number of entries. The Art League has many opportunities for us to share our art. I’ve had a long association with the Art League and appreciate this opportunity to assist.

Award Winners:

1st Place—Brooke Cameron, Five Pages from a COVID Diary

2nd Place—Rodney Burlingame, The Came the Lockdown

3rd Place—Larry Young, 2020-SOS

Honorable Mentions:

Mike Seat—Mask it or Casket

Lindsay Picht—Watching the World from my Room

Christina Nunez—2020

Renee Hackman—Safety Glass