6 New Year's Resolutions for an Artist

  1. Set one, BIG long-term goal

  • these goals may not be accomplished in a year

  • be detailed

  • examples: selling more work, entering an art show, etc. Both can be done at CAL!

2. Set 2-3 smaller immediate goals

  • break down the large goals into smaller bites

  • month-to-month actions

  • examples: Taking a class at CAL to learn and strengthen techniques, starting a social media account, etc.

3. Schedule time to make work

  • start a calendar & plan out a to-do-list

4. Join a community of artists (like CAL!)

  • artist communities shouldn’t be your only source of learning but are an amazing way to stay encouraged & stay focused on your artwork.

  • Examples at Cal: Adult Art club, Multi-week Classes, workshops

5. See more Art

  • get out to more museums, gallery shows, art openings, or private studios

  • examples: Cal has 3 gallery spaces filled with shows throughout the year, with corresponding receptions free to the public.

6. Share your work

  • this process can be scary but take baby steps

  • making art isn’t about making something perfect every time but instead finishing the piece, learning from your mistakes & going on to create something that you could have never imagined you were capable of.

  • social media

  • entering shows (CAL has 5 shows in 2023 that are open entry for anyone 16+ years old).